Guidelines for authors

December 16-17th 2024 KRAGUJEVAC, SERBIA

Guidelines For Authors


Abstract, written in English, should be prepared according to this Template.


Paper, written in English, should be prepared according to this Template.

Guidelines for Authors

In case you are unable to use this template, please follow the Guidelines for Authors

First page – Title – Title must in capital letters Times New Roman 12 pt, bolded, centered and should not exceed two lines in length. Names of authors (scientific degree, affiliation(s)) come under the title separated with a two-line space in Times New Roman 11 pt. Next to the name of the author, which is going to be the contact person, please add a footnote with his/her e-mail address.


Second pageAbstract – Heading «Abstract» should be centered using Times New Roman 12 pt. All page margins should be set to 2,5 cm. Abstract content should be single spaced with 1cm indentation, using font Times New Roman 11pt, italic. Abstract should be minimum 200 words in length. Keywords should be placed under the Abstract separated by one space. Maximum of five keywords may be used.


Third page – Paper starts on the third page. Use Microsoft Office Word format (.doc or .docx). Page Format A4, fully justified. All page margins should be set to 2,5 cm. Paper content should be single spaced with 1cm indentation, using font Times New Roman 12 pt. Subtitles should be centered, small caps, Times New Roman 12 pt and bolded. Papers should be minimum 5 pages in length, including abstract, figures, tables, references and appendices.


Reference style – The sources are listed in alphabetical order according to the author’s/editor’s last name, with complete bibliographical details. Please note that references in the body of the paper should be made in a uniform manner, following these examples: Bachman, 1991; Bontis and Serenko, 2009. The second line of each reference should be indented by 1.5 cm (special, hanging). For articles and books with three or more authors, the first name and the abbreviation et al. should be used (e.g. Quirk et al. 1985). Book and journal titles are in italics. Titles of articles in books and journals are in regular font style. Page references are required for articles in books and journals. Online sources should be listed with complete bibliographical details, including the date of visiting the site.


Sample references:


·  Single author: Sweetser, E. (1990). From Etymology to Pragmatics: Metaphorical and Cultural Aspects of Semantic Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

·   More than one author: Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson (1980). Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Quirk R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G. and J. Svartvik (1985). A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.

·     Single editor: Greenberg, J. H. (ed.) (1978). Universals of Language. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

·  More than one editor: Gibbs, R. W. and G. Steen (eds.) (1999). Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.



·    In journals: Wilson, D. and D. Sperber (1993). Linguistic Form and Relevance. Lingua, 90, 1–25.

·  In edited volumes: Slobin, D. I. (1997). Mind, Code, and Text. In: Essays on Language Function and Language Type (J. Bybee et al., eds.), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 437–467.



Chami, R., Fullenkamp C. and S. Jahjah (2003). Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development? (IMF Working Paper WP/03/189). Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund



Article from an online database: Voss, P. J. (1998). Debris from Heaven in Paradise Lost. English Language Notes, 35.3, 37-41. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. GALILEO. (10 June 2008).

Entire Web site: Electronic Poetry Center. 2003. SUNY Buffalo. (10 June 2008).


Tables and figures – Tables and figures should be marked with the appropriate number (order of appearance), including the title that describes them. For tables, place the titles above the tables and for figures place the titles below the figure.

All abstracts and subsequently full papers should be submitted electronically to .


The papers which do not follow the guidelines, or are received after the deadline, will not be reviewed.